Merely a part of life
2011 | HD Video, glazed ceramics | 4'00"
In Merely a part of life the artist attempts to absolve himself from the responsibility of forgetting his nephew's birthday. He comes up with the idea that some things are just bound to happen. That some things are unstoppable and therefor merely a part of life.
In the video Beckers realizes that the fact he forgot about his nephew's birthday party is also one of these inevitable things. Just as inevitable as the destiny-fulfilling vases falling to the floor. An inevitability that however does not absolve the artist's brother from cleaning up the mess.
“If a problem really doesn’t have a solution, can we still call it a problem? I actually don’t think so. Instead I would call it an established fact. You cannot solve it. You cannot change it. There’s actually nothing you can do. It’s merely a part of life.”
Installation view Western Front, Vancouver, Edible Glass (2013) | Photo: Megan Hill-Caroll
Realised with the support of the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten
Camera: Lev Ilizirov
Special thanks to Pieter Kemink