
As long as you are not reminded too often

As long as you are not reminded too often

2012 | HD Video, Wood, paint and carpet | 4'34"

In this video the artist continuously changes the shape of a red dinner table. It starts out as a round table, but over the course of the video it changes into a square and finally into a triangle table. The table changes accordingly to a story Beckers tells about battling loneliness. His solution for loneliness is to create an environment that is only suitable for one person. An environment that he creates by throwing away all the things in his appartment that remind him of the supposed presence of others.
This video was presented in the ServiceGarage in Amsterdam, together with the set and props with which the video was created.

Because as I have said before, being on your own is not dif cult at all. You just have to make sure that you’re not reminded too often of the fact that it is actually better to be in the company of others. And how can you feel lonely if in your apartment there is only room for one person to sit down to begin with?
Exhibition view at DeServicegarage (2012) Photo: Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

Exhibition view at DeServicegarage (2012)
Photo: Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

Realised with the support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten and Mondriaan Fonds
Special thanks to Daniel Hofstede, Benjamin Roth and DeServiceGarage